Thursday, October 22, 2009

All right boys and girls, today's episode is taking us somewhat away from our usual realms of the political and taking us into an issue that I think is more important and has much more of an impact on us as a species, and on the organism we call Earth.

This recently came up in an update on the facebook page of a very very dear friend, someone who is extremely important to me. A forest near her house, a forest she grew up in, a forest that houses many wonderful and endangered species of flora and fauna, is being cut down to make room for a row of bungalows.

Yes, bungalows.

This forest is home to a family of deer, among others, including a mother, a mate, two babies, three bucks. This forest is where these animals keep their food supplies. Without this forest, without their homes, these amazing creatures will, most likely, not survive the winter.

So we are destroying, oppressing, and murdering these animals so that we can put in what? Cheap housing. Cheap, affordable housing. Fun for the whole family. Except for the one that died to make room for it.

And here's the worst: no one seems to care. I have been through all manner of avenues of communication, phone calls to the city of Carmel, all that. All I hear is, "We really can't help you with that, let me refer you to one of our other departments..." and then I finally end up with the voicemail of a man who won't be in his office for another week.

In my life, I have always tried to live by the laws of justice, common decency, respect for the natural world. This is a gross corruption of everything we as a race should strive to protect! We have made ourselves fiends for the cause of profit! THIS IS NOT RIGHT.

I am begging you, all, please help me spread the word. Please help me and my friend protect this forest, and all the other places like it. Protect the Earth, your mother, the only home we have. Protect what is right and good and honorable.

Save the world.