Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hey again
I realize it's a bit soon for me to be writing another post (considering that my last inter-post lapse was several months--did I mention I'm not single now?) but I was reading a news article about Chinese names.
Yes. Names. In China. Fun stuff.
Evidently, the government is now asking for people with unusual names to change those names to something more ordinary. This is so the new computers employed by the government will be able to process those names with ease.
Is anyone else going "Wait... WHAT?"
That's right, boys and girls and variations thereupon. Yet another government wants people to conform.
All because it would be simpler to force the people to change than to change the System.

Hang on. There's a romantic scene on the television. Awwwwww...

Anywho. So yeah. China. Government. Bad things happening. Think about it.

And let's be careful out there.

Here's the article, if you want to check it out:

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